
Connect with hundreds of museum professionals

Participation in museum events (virtual and in-person) are key to building awareness and growing your network in our profession. Become an exhibitor to reconnect with past clients, establish new relationships, and learn more about the market’s needs.

This year’s conference will feature an in-person exhibit spaces and virtual options, as well as numerous advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Contact us for other promotional options.

2025 Exhibitor Guide

Book an Exhibit

Have questions about sponsoring or exhibiting? Contact the AMM Executive Director, Charity Counts.

Exhibit Space Options and Availability

All programs for the 2025 Conference will take place at RiverCenter in downtown Davenport, Iowa.

There are three exhibitor packages available – 10×10 Virtual + In-Person, Tabletop Only Virtual + In-Person, and Virtual Only. Review our Exhibitor Guide for package details, terms, and conditions.

Click here to view currently available exhibits (as of February 28).

Book an Exhibit

Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

Companies and organizations who choose to exhibit at our conference agree to follow our health policy and Code of Conduct. In addition, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Membership: Membership in the AMM or a conference partner association is required. Not a member of AMM yet? Join here!
  • Reservations and Placement: Exhibitors are confirmed on a first come, first served basis. Every effort will be made to honor first choice locations, but preferred locations are not guaranteed. Full payment must be received to confirm your booking and the placement of your exhibit space.
  • Conference Registration: In-Person exhibitors receive complimentary Virtual + In-Person registrations, and Virtual Only exhibitors receive Virtual Only registrations. Exhibitors must register employees for the conference using the designated attendee registration form (separate from the Exhibitor reservation form) before the close of online registration. AMM will send instructions on how to register employees and access discounts associated with your booking. If exhibitors have more than two employees attending the conference, they will be required to register and purchase registrations for the additional employees and will have access to member rates.
  • Conference Badges: Exhibitors have access to all sessions and activities at the conference, and each employee must wear a conference badge for access. Badges cannot be shared among representatives.
  • Display Requirements: Exhibits must not project beyond the space allocated or obstruct the view of other exhibitors. Tabletop Only Displays come with a table and chairs, and everything must display on top of the table. If floor space is required, an 10ft x 10ft space must be reserved. 10ft x 10ft spaces also include a table and chairs. Noise levels must not interfere with neighboring exhibits.
  • Additional Services and Fees: All exhibit spaces will be equipped with a table, tablecloth, and 2 chairs. Electricity is available for an extra fee, and exhibitors will be able to order electricity directly from the Venue after your reservation is confirmed. Basic Wi-Fi will be available for free in all meeting spaces for use by attendees and exhibitors. If you require hardline connected internet (higher speeds), you will also be able to request this from the conference AV provider for an additional fee.
  • Schedule: Exhibitors must adhere to the exhibit schedule and ensure that at least one representative is always present at or near their exhibit space during exhibit open hours and networking breaks.
  • Delivery/Shipping: Exhibit materials may be shipped in advance to the conference venue with delivery no sooner than July 25, 2025. Materials will be stored by the RiverCenter and delivered to your exhibit space. Exhibitors may incur storage and handling fees for advance shipments and will be billed directly by the Venue or AMM. Shipments must be packed properly and addressed to: RiverCenter, 136 East Third Street, Davenport, IA, 52801 / HOLD FOR: Association of Midwest Museums Jul 30-Aug 2 / Exhibitor name, exhibit space number, onsite contact name and phone number.
  • Program Ad: Exhibitors receive a complimentary 16:9 Networking Lunch Slideshow ad. Please see the advertising specifications and deadlines listed on our conference website: ammconference.org.
  • Virtual Platform Page: Participation in Virtual Day is optional, but highly encouraged. The treatment of exhibitor pages in the virtual platform will be uniform, with a set design and list of options for content. AMM will be in touch via email to gather the content for your company’s page.
  • Liability: Exhibitor shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damage to property owned by the conference Hotel/Venue, its owners or managers that results from any act or omission of Exhibitor.  Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the conference Hotel/Venue and Association of Midwest Museums, and their owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Exhibitor’s use of the property.  Exhibitor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Hotel/Venue or any part thereof.

Exhibitor Cancellation/Refund Policy

  • At least 4 months prior to conference start date – Full refund less a $30 processing fee
  • 3 months prior to conference start date – 50% refund
  • 2 months prior to conference start date – 25% refund
  • Less than one month prior to conference start date – No refunds

Exhibitor Schedule

This year’s conference will include many opportunities to meet and mingle with conference attendees, as food and beverage events are centered around networking and exhibits.


  • Wednesday, July 30, 12:00-4:00 PM
  • Thursday, July 31, 7:00-8:00 AM

Exhibit Open Hours and Networking Events*:

  • Thursday, July 31, 8:00-9:30 AM – Morning Welcome Coffee
  • Thursday, July 31, 4:00-5:30 PM – Afternoon Reception
  • Friday, August 1, 8:00-9:30 AM – Morning Welcome Coffee
  • Friday, August 1, 1:30-2:30 PM – Prize Hour


  • Friday, August 1, 2:30-7:00 PM

*Attendees will also have 30-minute breaks between breakout session blocks and after the Lunchtime Networking Roundtable on Thursday, July 31, to explore exhibits. View our full schedule-at-a-glance for details. (Coming soon!)

Presentation Opportunities

Sponsors at the Presenting and Spotlight levels ($5,000-10,000) receive the opportunity to present a 60-minute in-person session during the conference as part of their benefits package.

Exhibitors and sponsors at the $1500-$2,500 levels may choose to add a pre-recorded virtual session to their benefits package for a fee of $200 or a live in-person session for a fee of $500. The deadline for upgrades is May 31, while space is available. Contact AMM to request this addition.

IMPORTANT: Sponsor and exhibitor sessions must meet conference Call for Proposals requirements and feature at least one museum presenter, not directly sell products or services, and feature educational content. Session outlines and presenter lists must be submitted for review by AMM’s Program Committee. AMM will collaborate with presenters on a descriptions and title that will be used in promotion of the program.

Past Exhibitors: 106 Group, ACTIVE Network, AASLH, American Alliance of Museums, Angle Park, Inc., Arakawa Hanging Systems, Archival Products, Arts and Cultural Leadership at University of Minnesota, Beeline & Blue, Belfry Historic Consultants, Bluewater Studio, Bookmobile, Boston Productions, Inc., Bradford Systems, Building Four Fabrication, Cowan’s Auctions, Creative Edge Master Shop, Culture Connect, D3D Cinema, The Dickinson Vaults, The Donning Company Publishers, Dorfman Museum Figures, Engberg Anderson Architects, Encurate Mobile Technology, Exhibits USA, FEH Design, The Field Museum, The FORM Group, GAYLORD® ARCHIVAL, Gretel, Haldeman-Homme Inc, Hangerbee, HealyKohler Design, History IT, Hollinger Metal Edge, Impact Communications, International Preservation Studies Center, Kidoons, Kraemer Design + Production, Inc., Lancer Hospitality, Int’l Preservation Studies Center, Luci Creative, Masterpak Inc., MBA Design and Display Products Corporation, Midwest Art Conservation Center, Midwest Storage Solutions, Minotaur Mazes, Museum Explorer, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Museum Playbook, Mutual of America, National Archives Traveling Exhibits Service, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Northern Illinois University, Oertel Architects, OnCell, Pareti Mobile Walls, Past Perfect, Piggyback App, Professional Graphics Inc, Saint Louis Science Center, SAQA Exhibitions, Science Museum of Minnesota, Silver Oaks, Solid Light Inc., Super Monster City, Taylor Studios, Inc., Terry Dowd Inc, Thrive Payments, Tour-Mate Systems Ltd., Universal Services Associates, University of Oklahoma, US Art Company, VStar Entertainment Group, Xibitz, Inc.