If you weren’t able to keep up with the #AMM2016 feed on Twitter, you may have missed out on some wonderful posts by Paige Dansinger from the Minneapolis Center for Digital Art. Paige has a program called “MuseumDraw” and loves to share the amazing and beautiful things happening in and around museums. (She’ll draw your collections if you’ll have her!)
We were thrilled to have her at AMM 2016 and we loved the pictorial story she created over the course of three days. Here is a sampling of her works from the week – our fabulous keynotes! You can also watch a quick museumdraw video of a of her session sketches/posts.
- Nick Gray, Museum Hack
- Dr. Clarence G. Newsome, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
- Tom Fisher, Metropolitan Design Center UMN
- Linda B. Norris, The Uncatalogued Museum