This form is for ALL PARTICIPANTS except for Sponsors, Museum Hosts, and Committee Members. These individuals will receive separate instructions for registration.
Exhibitors, Volunteers, Presenters, AMM Donor Society Members, and Special Guests will receive a discount code via email to use in this registration form to access their discounted offers. Contact AMM if you have not yet received a code.
1) Attendee Information
Please enter contact information for the attendee.
- Note your preferred pronouns (optional).
- If applicable, describe any dietary restrictions or accessibility needs.
We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Any requests for ASL Interpretation should be received at least 3 weeks prior to the date of the conference to ensure that we have enough time to secure an interpreter. Contact AMM if you have questions about accessibility services.
Choose your Attendee Type:
- AMM, IAM, or IMA members: Choose “Member.”
- Non-Members: Choose “Non-Member” if you are not a member of any of the three partner organizations.
- Students: Choose “Student.”
- Unemployed: Choose “Furloughed, Unemployed, or Retired Worker.”
- Volunteer: Choose “Volunteer” if you are signed up to volunteer for the conference. Volunteers will be invoiced for the amount due once their shifts/schedules are finalized and discounts have been applied.
Click “Next Page” to advance to the Registration Options page.
2) Registration Options
Member Discounts and Special Offers: Follow the registration instructions provided by AMM if you are an AMM Institutional or Donor Society Member or a conference exhibitor, volunteer, or presenter to access your special offer. (Notifications will be sent in April.) If you have questions or haven’t heard from us, feel free to reach out by email to info(a)
Registration Options: Select from the available registration options for your attendee type. You may choose Virtual + In-Person, Virtual + Single Day, or Virtual Only. If you entered a valid discount code, your discounted or complimentary registration option will appear in this list.
Click “Next Page” to advance to the Optional Add-Ons page. (Note: you can return to previous pages to make edits to your choices at any time prior to the payment page.)
3) Optional Add-Ons
Pre-conference tours, workshops, evening events, the Saturday Retreat, and the Leadership Breakfast require an additional ticket for entry. In addition, we ask that you RSVP “yes” or “no” for the MRC Annual Meeting and Lunch (for MRC members only).
- Capacities are limited. Pre-registration is highly encouraged. Tickets or transportation may not be available during onsite registration.
- Check the box next to each ticket you wish to purchase. Check “no” or “none” for those you do not wish to attend.
If you already registered and wish to add an optional add-on ticket, contact AMM.
4) Special Offers
On the next page, you will be prompted to enter any Special Offers that you received. Click the box next to the relevant question and enter your code in the field provided. The discount will be applied to your order total.
If you do not have a promo code, click “Next Page” to proceed to the Terms & Conditions page.
5) Terms & Conditions
By registering for and attending the Association of Midwest Museums (AMM) conference, you agree to comply with the conference Cancellation Policy, Code of Conduct, and Health Policy available at
Attendee List: All attendees will be added to our virtual platform for access to conference virtual offerings. Attendees will have the option to make their name and contact information public in the attendee list in the platform.
Click “Next Page” to proceed to the Payment Options page and complete your registration.
6) Payment Options
- Paying with a credit card? Follow the instructions on the Stripe payment page that appears after you click “Submit.”
- Paying by check? Send check payments to the Association of Midwest Museums, PO Box 6267, Fishers, IN, 46038-6267. To request an invoice, contact AMM.
7) Credit Card Payment Page
The credit card payment page will appear if you selected that payment type. You will pay by card via Stripe. This form page will display a summary of the items you selected that required a fee (not those that were free/complimentary) as well as any discounts that have been applied to your order total. This is an example credit card payment page:

8) Confirmation Email
You will receive an email confirmation of your order after the form has been submitted, prior to the payment screen. Your registration is not complete, however, until your registration balance is paid.
If you paid by credit card, you will also receive a receipt for your credit card payment from Stripe. Your registration is automatically confirmed.
If you paid by check, we’ll update our records once payment has been received or contact you after 30 days to inquire about intent to complete the registration. Registrations that are not paid within 30 days may be canceled and tickets released. If you require a formal invoice, please contact AMM to request one.
You should also see a confirmation on screen that your submission was received. If you didn’t receive confirmation on screen or in your inbox, you may need to register again. Feel free to contact AMM for assistance.